insert_link National News Strictly Come Dancing stars prepare to be paired up during launch Strictly Come Dancing’s latest celebrities will be paired with their professional partners during the launch show on Saturday night. The 15 celebrities, who include Olympian Adam Peaty, rugby star Ugo Monye and TV presenter Judi Love, will make their debut on the dancefloor during a group number. Also competing will be EastEnders actress Nina Wadia, TV presenter AJ Odudu, Dragons’ Den investor Sara Davies, McFly star Tom Fletcher, Coronation Street […] todaySeptember 18, 2021 4
insert_link National News Sunak and Keegan under growing pressure over crumbling concrete in schools todaySeptember 4, 2023 93
insert_link National News More than two fifths of trains delayed during first half of year todaySeptember 4, 2023 5